During the summer months, humidity is a common complaint around Watertown, so it can be easy to forget that humidity can be a key component to keeping your home and business comfortable, long-lasting, and germ-free. Our experienced team has been serving customers in Watertown, Newton and the surrounding areas for years, and we are keenly aware of the humidifier needs of our community. Whether you need help understanding which humidifier is right for your home or business, or you need humidifier cleaning, repair or replacement, our award-winning team can help. Here at Akian Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning, we understand that you want service that is fast and reliable without any gimmicks or hidden costs, and we work tirelessly to provide exactly that. We are committed to making every customer a lifelong customer.
We are proud to offer our customers a wide variety of benefits, including:
Services that have earned numerous awards and accolades
Technicians who are trained on the latest in plumbing technology
Service available on nights and weekends
Licensed and insured plumbers for your peace of mind
Special Offers
$50 OFF
First Time Customer Coupon
Limit 1 coupon per customer. May not be combined with other offers. Coupon must be mentioned at time of scheduling.
Valid from Jan 1, 2024 – Dec 31, 2024
Limit 1 coupon per customer. May not be combined with other offers. Coupon must be mentioned at time of scheduling.
Valid from Jan 1, 2024 – Dec 31, 2024
Why Use a Humidifier?
9 Benefits of a Humidifier:
- 1. Reduces respiratory infections
- 2. Creates a comfortable and more consistent temperature
- 3. Reduces nosebleeds, dry and itchy skin, and chapped lips
- 4. Stops furniture and flooring from cracking due to dryness
- 5. Minimizes bacteria and viruses
- 6. Reduces asthma symptoms
- 7. Limits wallpaper peeling
- 8. Minimizes warping and permanent wood damage
- 9. Saves you money on heating bills
According to the U.S. Department of Energy, you can save as much as 10% on your heating bill by turning your thermostat down 7°-10°. And because spaces with the appropriate level of humidity actually feel warmer, it can prevent you from overheating your space—saving you real money in the long run. Clearly, the benefits of a humidifier speak for themselves and we want you to reap these incredible benefits as soon as possible. You can trust Akian Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning with your humidifier needs from start to finish. We can assess and install the correct humidifier for your space, repair and maintain units, as well as completely replace existing humidifiers, so you can enjoy better, more cost-effective systems. Give us a call today (617) 894-7803 to learn how Akian Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning can help!
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